Old KaVo e@syDrive 4425 & 4426 Setup Instructions

Instructions for computer/easydrive setup from KaVo below. If you have any questions please use the comments to submit below.

How to install easydrive on your computer?

For installation of easydrive on your computer we do need windows XP operating system

1. Install the Java VM on your computer, and deactivate your Java Sun.

  1. please install msvm3805.exe in your CD under JAVA Driver MSVM3805 folder.
  2. right mouse on your internet explorer icon
  3. please click property,
  4. then choose advance,
  5. find Java Sun icon, and take the hook on Java1.5.0…… away.


2. Identify which port does the USB cable use. (for customers, who uses USB cable between Computer and converter, if you use serial cable, pleas jump to step 3.)

  1. start-setting-control panel-system-hardware-device manager
  2. click the “+” of the Interface (COM and LPT)
  3. insert your USB cable in the computer port, then you will see the “ Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port(COM ….)”,  it is possible from COM 1 to COM 9. if over 9, please choose others USB ports.  please remember this COM number, and in the future always use this USB port.


3. install easydrive on your computer.

  1. run SETUP.EXE under Installation Assistant V1.1.
  2. the assistant will help you to install the software, but you will see “ please select the COM port where the easydrive connection cable plug in”, if you use serial cable, please chose COM1 (normally), if you use USB cable, please chose the COM number, which you remembered from step 2.  (if you may not choose com1 to com9, this means you have installed easydrive on your computer and have not deleted “easydrive serial connection” under start-setting-control pane-system-telephone and modem option-modem, please delete it first, then delete the “Kavoslip” under start-setting-control pane-system-network connection and do step 3 again.)
  3. do the rest steps under help of the assistant, until you see the “ the modem was installed successfully”. If the installation cannot continue, please try step 3 again.


4. get the connection between converter and computer.

  1. first do not connect the computer with converter by serial cable
  2. please plug the power supply cable into the socket, then press reset (black knob under the LED-lamp) approx. 3 seconds.
  3. then connect the computer and converter by serial cable or USB cable.
  4. run the “EasyDriveConfig2k.exe” on the desktop, then you will first see the down-right icon with Kavoslip 38,4kBit/s, then the IE-browser will be opened and the software will run. if the Kavoslip connection could not be created, then please try the step 4.1 again.
  5. if you see the three flags (German English Japanese) by IE-Brower, the installation is successful finished.


How to set, change, save and load the motor parameters

Load parameters

  1. under “more parameters” chose   “ motor parameter”
  2. left-up you must see “load motor parameters”, its ok. If not, please set it as “load motor parameters”.
  3. under it you must chose the right motor type, for example  “type 4025 AC”.
  4. then click “enter”  after enter you must click “submit” right-down.

Change parameters.

  1. After “enter” you will see all of the parameters, for example “P90-Motortype”.
  2. You may change all of the parameters acc. to your needs. But first you must understand which roll does this parameter play, details please get the information from instructions Page 44 and 45.
  3. you must click “submit” right-down. The parameter will be sent to inverter.

Save parameters

after your changing, you can save this parameter on your hard disk.

  1. left-up you must see “load motor parameters”, change it to “save motor parameters to hard disk”.
  2. click “enter”, then chose the right path, and do not forget to give a name for this parameter.
  3. click “save”, this parameter list will be saved.

Load parameters

  1. left-up you must see “load motor parameters”, change it to “load motor parameters from hard disk”.
  2. click “enter”.
  3. chose the right path, where your motor parameters were saved, and find the right parameter, which you need.
  4. click “open”, the parameter is already be loaded.
  5. you must click “submit” right-down. The parameter will be sent to inverter.


How to set factory settings

Turn on the easydrive software and come to main menu.

  1. under “more parameters” chose the “special programms”.
  2. click the “factory setting”. you will see ” please wait until the window closed”. then you will see, ” warning no motor in parameter P90-motortype “, it is ok.
  3. back to main menu.
  4. under “more parameters” chose “ motor parameter”
  5. left-up you must see “load motor parameters”, its ok. If not, please set it as “load motor parameters”.
  6. under it you must chose the right motor type, for. example “type 4025 AC”.
  7. then click “enter” , after enter you must click “submit” right-down.
  8. then come back to main menu, chose “remote control” under “more parameters”.
  9. set P110-input IN1 as “off”
  10. then do not forget to click “submit”.
  11. come back to main menu, click P1-N-rated and set the set-value, then click start, the motor must run, if all of the system are right configured and motor cable are connected.




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